Shakespeare Adds "Bullying Prevention" To His Already Long List of Accomplishments

Many of you already know about this week's Facebook "reenactment" of Much Ado About Nothing, a role-playing extravaganza that's supposed to raise awareness about bullying. Have you heard about bullying? Just kidding.
The Much Ado Facebook thing is adorable, of course, but I have to say I'm a bit disappointed that they chose this play. Why? Because there are others with juicier bits about bullying, especially of the girl-on-girl variety. When I blogged about bullying and Shakespeare on Open Salon a while back, I was stunned at how many people react to the word "bullying." That thing got over 5,000 reads!
Look, all I'm asking is this. Which scenario seems more familiar: 1) you are submissive and perfect, but your fiance calls you a slut anyway and then you feign your own death so that you can end up marrying the guilty jerk (Much Ado) 2) You and your best friend have a falling out related to body issues and boyfriends (Midsummer Night's Dream)?
Thought so.
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