These weather people have led me on before. Are we really looking at a weather "wallop" tomorrow for New England, or is this all a lot of hype? I need to psychologically gird myself if I'm looking at a full day enclosed in the house with my children.
"Lastly, hurried / Here , to this place, i'th'open air, before/ I have got strength of limit." (Winter's Tale 3.2.102-104)
You really know how to kick a girl when she's down, don't you, Shake-Ball.
This is Hermione's final chain in her argument before the "court" (i.e. her tyrannical husband King Leontes who's accused her of adultery and made her come out and defend herself when she should be resting after giving birth). She needs her quiet time to recover from having children. She shouldn't be hustled outdoors.
This is going to be me tomorrow, when I will get no quiet mommy time, but will instead be forced to go sledding--my absolute least favorite "open air" sport: it is cold; it involves a lot of equipment and clothing; and someone will get hurt. Probably me.
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