This weekend the annual Shakespeare Association of America convention was held in our very own backyard: Boston. I know you wish you could have been there. But it's only for special people like me and Michelle who like to listen to papers about male weeping and Henry IV, or Shakespeare and the primates, or Shakespeare and male pattern baldness (okay, not that last one-- yet--but I'm sure someone's working on a dissertation about it).
Michelle spent most of the time networking with other twitter geeks and chatting up the guys working the "Kill Shakespeare" booth. I spent most of my time trying to avoid the handful of Shakespeareans from my past who give me hives. It was kind of a cross between a high school reunion and a speed dating event.
That said, I thoroughly enjoyed my seminar on "Shakespeare and the Plastic Arts" where Michelle and I both circulated our work and learned a lot from a group of very interesting Shake-folk. I think I'm going to propose a seminar for next year's convention on "Shakespeare and the Liquid Arts." I'm only half kidding.
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