Friday, December 24, 2010

Homebaked Shakespeare

My Homebaked Philosophy: or, How I almost Killed My Son's Fish. Again.

Remember how I was going to start my new year shunning Fate, chance, and all other supernatural forces? Well, guess what? Mercury wasn't just in retrograde on my birthday—there was a full on lunar eclipse for the first time in four hundred years. Am I rethinking my new life philosophy? After today--you betcha.

Picture this: In an attempt to leave nothing up to chance this vacation (like a broken furnace=dead betta fish), I'm driving the new fish, Sportsy, Jr., to my friend's house so that this one will live to see another day. Then I get a flat tire. Luckily (!) I'm not far from my house, so I turn around and get us back home, get in the other car, and start heading out. Then I take a sharp turn and all I hear is *glug* *glug* *glug*. That's the sound of a gallon of fish bowl water emptying out onto the floor of your car. I pull over and am able to salvage a millimeter of water for the fish to flap around in amid the colored pebbles--as long as one of the kids tilts the bowl just so. We arrive at my friend's house, with my children freshly traumatized, just in time to save Sportsy.

In attempting to avoid Fate, I (not unlike Macbeth) ran right into it. And an innocent fish almost died. I am officially reversing my three-day-old philosophy before something happens to the guinea pig.

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