Barbara Walters just picked Sarah Palin and the "Jersey Shore" cast as part of her top ten most fascinating people of 2010. "Fascinating" is defined as "Possessing the power to charm or allure." I'm pretty sure Snooki doesn't rank up there with Cleopatra (although she does go to town with the eyeliner); and last I checked Sarah Palin sends me into a blind rage, which I'm pretty sure is the opposite of alluring.
Magic Shake-Ball, what am I missing? I know I cancelled my "Us" subscription last year, but I still watch "Top Model" and read gawker.com. Am I hopelessly out of touch with American popular culture? Or has Barbara Walters gone whacknuts?
Answer: "Neither rhyme nor reason can express how much." (As You Like It 3.3.399)
Interpretation: How much I'm out of touch? Or how whacknuts she is?
Answer: "I will desire you to live in the mean time, and eat your victuals" (Henry V 5.1.33-34)
Interpretation: In other words, order myself a big ol' Domino's pizza with a side of cheesy breadsticks and plant myself in front of the TV. I hear you, Shake-Ball. I hear you.
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