Friday, January 29, 2010

Homebaked Shakespeare

If Andy Murray wrote a sonnet to Roger Federer, it might sound like Shakespeare's to his "rival poet." Or not.


Shall I outlive you on the Melbourne court?
Or will you survive when I am dead?
Yes, a Scot will finally claim this sport,
Despite what that dude Jon Wertheim just said.

Will tennis in Scotland now be bigger?
Highland Dance? Surely they tire of it.
Maybe after some snooker (Go figger).
Or bagpipes, tatties, haggis and cricket.

Please send my best to Mirka and the twins--
Nay, cry not, Ro-jet! You’ve still got the goods:
Gillette commercials, riches, many wins.
And O! At least you're not Tiger Woods.

Tomorrow I will beat your ass and dance;
And then I will do it again in France.